So, on the 27th I decided to be a big strong guy and life something heavy. Wrong. Strained my hamstring tendon a tad but didn't hurt the next day so I put in a good 4 miler with a nice pace. Soon after it started aching pretty good but I kept up with the training the rest of the week. Took the week after off and decided to run the
Run your heart 5k out with my son Zach who is 8. So we get there and it is Freeze your ass off cold, temp at time of wake up was 17F...yikes! It was tough getting the kids out of bed for that one....So I hit a mile on the track to warm up the legs, hammy tendon is feeling not bad but not good enough to push a 6 min mile pace for three miles and its cold. So I tell zach lets just have fun buddy. I don't think he shares the same enthusiasm as I do but he is excited to possibly break 30 minutes....Looking at the elevation profile before the run, I don't think that would be happening. So we get to the start, heather is running with nic and I am running with zman. And were off - first .5 miles is around the track most likely to spread out people before they get onto the trail. Zach's first mile is somewhere in the very high 9 min mile range...not bad for a hilly course...his next mile is around 10ish and he finished up with a high 9 min 3rd mile. Coming into the stadium, I see there might be a chance for zach to break 30 watch is saying 28:10 and I am thinking we have a full lap to go...hmm, should I push him, I tell him that he might be able to break he is giving it his all...I can see it in his face...around the last turn on the track, I am thinking I don't think he is going to make it. We get to the finish line and its 30:07...and then he starts crying and snots is just dripping from his nose b/c he is out of breath...he was actually crying b/c he didn't get 30...the parents around the finish line must of thought I was some monster but I could give a crap pain, no gain! Even though he didn't get a sub 30, he got a new PR which was great news...I tell him, always look at the positive in things..something my Dad used to tell me all the time when I would have bad outings playing baseball. Additionally, zach was 12th out of 28th...and first of the 8 year olds....Of course, big Nic rolled in some time later ...even running the race at age 6 is a big deal so I was very proud that he finished and did a great job!!! It was off to the SBUX for a recovery coffee...
Freezing pre-race |
Little Z near the start |
On another note, I just found out that I did not get into the
Bull Run 50 miler so I signed up for the
Blue Ridge Mountain marathon. Apparently, this marathon is called "Americas toughest road marathon" which should be perfect training run before the North Face 50k.
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