Setting the stage
August 18 was marathon #3 for me, Drake Well Marathon. I haven't been as hyped up and nervous for this marathon as I was for the last two. I have been telling myself that there is no pressure and that it was just a good supported training run for YUTC on September 14. This was my plan as I was thinking that we would have usual hot, humid August weather. When I saw that we were going to have unseasonably cool temperatures and no humidity, I let the thought of a PR start to creep into my head. Realistically, I knew a PR was unlikely on this course (you'll see why later), but I still had the idea in the back of my head which eventually led to some disappointment later in the race.
Pre-race prep
I put together an awesome playlist for my shuffle. I had picked out my race gear and had my Brooks Adrenalines ready to roll.
I did a two mile shake out run at Pearson Park, and I was feeling really good. Because I have the most awesome mom ever, we had the kid situation under control as she was going to take them for Saturday night and Sunday most of the day. My dad also took on the challenge of taking both of them to Chuck E. Cheese on a Saturday night (yikes!) so kudos to him for pulling that one off. On Saturday afternoon we rolled into Titusville. Titusville is a very important town in world history as it is the home of the very first oil well in the world.
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They have these little model derricks all over town. |
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Entering town...typical small town Western Pennsylvania so I felt at home! |
Packet pick up was at the Titusville Community Center. The community center was the former home of one of the wealthiest oil and lumber barons in town during the boom so you could see a lot of the former opulence in effect in the pick up room. Pick up was pretty bare bones. Two guys were working and gave you your race number. Then you went into a hallway and looked through a box for your swag bag and picked your shirt up out of a pile. There weren't a lot of runners picking up packets so it went smoothly. There was also a pasta dinner being offered, but it wasn't starting until 7 pm which is way too late for me to eat on race night, but it was nice that they offered this.
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Packet pick up in progress |
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Excited about my swag bag! |
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Two thumbs up for Maria's! |
Race Day
I slept restlessly, but I did sleep the night before so the 4:30 am wake up call wasn't too bad. I ate my raisin bread and peanut butter sandwich (should have had two which I did before B&A Marathon), loaded up my Honey Stingers, Endurolytes, and gummy bears in my Spibelt, and was ready to go. It was pleasantly cool...55 degrees so I was excited about the weather.
Bathroom situation
There were plenty of toilets on site at Ed Myer Complex for the women (about 8) that were clean and with toilet paper. I had no lines at all, but this was likely because there were only a small number of women running both the half and full marathons.
The Confusing Start
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Start line! |
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Pre-race selfie |
So we start off with a loop around the Drake Well Museum. I was excited to run so I didn't pull out my phone to snap any photos, but it was a really nice warm-up loop. I chatted with a few Marathon Maniacs on this loop. They were taking their time and having a blast. After the first mile, things started to get real. I knew the first 8 miles were the most challenging part of the race with some climbs that were not overly challenging, but enough to wear you down if you didn't run them conservatively. So we hit the first climb, and I slowed myself down to an 11 minute mile and just climbed the hill steadily. I felt really good when I got to the top. There was a nice downhill, but the pavement was a bit broken up so you had to watch it on the descent. Then we started winding on some rolling hills over back country roads. We hit an aid station at the bottom of the hill. The field strung out pretty quickly so that I was running by myself a lot starting at mile 3. So right around this point was my least favorite part of the race because we had to run for about 0.5 miles on a really busy road, and they had no cones or lane blocked off so we were basically running on the shoulder. I was really pissed off at this point, but then I could see a volunteer waving for people to turn off so I knew I didn't have long on that road. I had been following this kid in a white t-shirt with #16 on the back for a while. I was watching him just kill the hills and wondering how long he was going to keep that up. So mile 3 started another uphill grind, and I could see #16 struggling a little. This climb was long and gradual. I was so proud of myself because I was just grinding away slowly on this climb and feeling strong. We hit an aid station at mile 4 and then the top of the climb at mile 4.5. It started to drop off a bit into one of the most picturesque parts of the race. It was so gorgeous running almost alone out there on a country road.
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Do you see all of the other runners out here? No! Because there weren't any! |
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Loved the cows! |
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Pretty barn |
So right before mile 6 we start the last short climb. Above you can see #16, but at this point he has slowed to a walk. By the time I reached the top of the hill, he was bent over puking on the side of the road. I did a quick check to see if he was OK as I was running by. He gave me a thumbs up so I kept going. We were then treated to a good long downhill and some soft surface.
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I felt like I was running down Haymarket Road. |
So we hit the bike path and #16 starts walking, and I finally pass him for the last time. It was nice to see half marathoners on their way back and get and give encouragement, but it was also a little discouraging because one portion of the bike path ran right past the finish line. I was still feeling really strong when I hit the half marathon mark around 2:20. I felt good about this time because I felt like I had run really conservatively in the beginning and could easily sustain this pace for the back half to come in around 4:40-4:45 which would have been a good day for me on this course. Soon I started seeing the male front runner men so it was fun to watch them fly by. There were also some folks out at the aid stations with fun signs (Run Like An Angry Kenyan and You are Not Just Doing Drake Well. You are Doing Drake Awesome.) I was around 16 miles when I spotted JD. He had made the turnaround and was headed back and looking strong. I was still feeling OK knowing that I had the turnaround coming up at 17.5 miles. At mile 16 aid station I realized that I had gone through all of my fuel except for a Honey Stinger Waffle. I was a bit worried about that. I paused for a minute or so at the turnaround to eat my waffle and get some water down with it as well as to reward myself with the ipod. Somewhere in here was an aid station with the most enthusiastic volunteer ever. He would see a runner coming from way down the path and start whooping and hollering. As you reached his station he would encourage you although I had to laugh when I hit him at mile 22 on the way back, and he said 'Looking hot girl!'
Mile 18 was where I started to crash. My quads were starting to feel crampy so I took another Endurolyte to see if that would help. My pace was slowing significantly, but I could see two runners in front of me that I had earlier dubbed the orange twins. I had caught glimpses of these two guys in their neon orange shirts all day long. I realized that I was gaining ground on them so I tried to hold onto my shuffle run until I got past them. After successfully passing the orange twins, I noticed a woman ahead in a neon green shirt who was walking so I force myself to run for 10 minutes to see if I could catch her at about the 7 minute mark I passed her. I finished my 10 minutes of running and switched to a power walk. From mile 20 on I was alternating between power walks and slow running for as long as I could tolerate without severe cramping. I really wanted to run. My head was screaming at my body to run, but my quads were just in so much pain with running. I could power walk comfortably and move at just a slightly slower pace than I was running so I just kept pushing along. I came upon tattoo boy at that point. He was really struggling. We exchanged a few words of encouragement. We continued to leap frog each other and mutter comments until about mile 25 where he seemed to get a burst of energy. He said, "Let's finisher this fucker strong!" and tried to get me to finish up strong with him. I tried, but his pace was more than I could handle so I let him go ahead. Somewhere in here I had a small mental breakdown where I was almost in tears over disappointment at my performance, but then I pulled it together by reminding myself that I had the opportunity to spend half of my Sunday enjoying nature and that more time on the legs was actually better for my ultra training (although maybe not for my ego). I finally saw the turn off from the bike path to head back onto the track for the finish. I hated having to run over grass for about .2 miles before hitting the track. As I came onto the track I was shuffling along. JD spotted me and ran over to encourage me to finish up strong. I did the best I could to simulate a strong finish and crossed at 5:05 according to the race clock (my Garmin had 5:04).
Not my best day, but I really enjoyed the race and the scenery and I got some good time on my legs. If I'm being honest, my training for this marathon was not as good as it was for B&A. It was really a struggle for me to balance long runs and kids and vacation this summer especially with some of my long runs falling on really hot days. My last 20 miler was 4 weeks ago, and it wasn't a good quality 20 miler. So some of my issues were fitness related and I know that I miscalculated when I packed my fuel. I also should have eaten a bigger breakfast.
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Will the real Heather Durick please stand up? |
Review of the race
If you like running for hours by yourself on back country roads and shaded bike paths, then this is the race for you. There's a little mix of trails, a few hills and some pretty scenery along the way. There are not many spectators so it's not a race for those that love crowds. The start was a bit disconcerting, and the post race food was really bad. I also noticed that they didn't have a medic on hand at the race so this was a minus for them as well. It's a small town race, and I picked it because the area has fond memories for me from growing up. I wanted to do a small local marathon with easy logistics, and this was a good one to pick. If you are trying to BQ or PR, this is a tough course to do it on given the mix of terrains and hilly start. If you are looking for a well-supported solo training run, then this is your race.
Aid Stations
They were pretty reliably every 2 miles along the way. They were basic but serviceable and never crowded. They had water and some watered down Gatorade. They had a limited supply of fuel and electrolytes, but you really needed to carry your own. The volunteers were wonderfully helpful and friendly.
Endurolytes-1 per hour at beginning; doubled up on a few near the end for a total of 6 for the race
1 packet of Honey Stinger Pink Lemonade Chews
Handful of gummy bears
Honey Stinger Chocolate waffle
Post race recovery-Treated myself to a DQ Blizzard (the kid working at DQ was not impressed by my medal)-also got to wear my new cool Title IX hoody and skirt.
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Running for the DQ since I am not near a BQ! |
Course map and elevation
What's next
So now I trust in Hal again and start on the Multiple Marathon Program since I have 4 weeks until 50K!!!!
Congrats to both of you on a great race!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I was supposed to run the full too, but I switched to the HM last minute. I bet we passed each other. :) I actually got lost at the end, I was pretty pissed that the course was poorly marked.
ReplyDeleteYou're a much better blogger than me, I haven't even started my race recap yet.
Congrats again on #3.